The permanent exhibition at “SOKALSHCHYNA” ART MUSEUM (in the town of Chervonohrad, Lviv Region) represents decorative and applied art of Sokal-land, its temporary exhibitions familiarize with the versatile collections of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv as well as introduce creativity of the talented artists – natives and guests of Sokal-land.
“Sokalshchyna”(Sokal-land) Art Museum (15, B. Khmelnytsky Street, Chervonohrad, Lviv Region)
The Museum functions as a department of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv established in the town of Chervonohrad, one of coal mining centers of the region. It was founded in November 1981 following the initiative of the Chervonohrad Executive Committee. The Museum is housed in a 2-storey building of the former Monastery of the Order of Saint Basil the Great. Its permanent exhibit features folk art and contemporary decorative and applied art of Sokalshchyna and Chervonohrad. Besides it, temporary exhibitions represent creativity of the talented Ukrainian artists, our contemporaries, as well as acquaint with rich collections of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv. The Museum plays active role in public and cultural life of the province.
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